In reviewing Weymouth Carnival I send congratulations to all in getting the floats back – and up to 6.30pm it was a great day.

My only criticism is that somebody must take control of the procession, The 100-yard gaps between floats left myself and other locals yawning, wondering why only six vehicles passed us at the Edward Memorial in an hour.

For those at the Greenhill End it was a long wait.

As a resident of Weymouth I have now watched all the carnivals except two (walking processions omitted) and for the first time ever (since 1949) I left during the parade through sheer boredom. Other locals did the same. It broke my record and was such a shame. For me to do it after all the years watching it had to be bad.

Does anybody remember when it started at The Marsh?

In the past (I used to drive when Drake & Son entered many lorries) we were told ‘Keep together, keep moving, 10 yards apart, keep the punter interested’.

How true. This year, everyone around me was just staring at the gaps.

I don’t want to take my three-year-old granddaughter and have her whining for over two hours waiting for the next float and upsetting everybody around us.

I am usually a ‘diehard’ when it comes to watching the floats, and although I appreciate everything the committee does in getting it up and running, please next year make sure the floats keep up.

How times have changed. Am I wrong in trying to compare the quality of yesteryear?

Alan Wolsey Weymouth