A PAIR of adventurous cyclists are taking on a novel North Sea challenge.

Paris Halkes-Wellstead, 20, and Matthew Christmas, 19, are embarking on a 2,500km cycle ride from Calais to Oslo to raise money for cancer causes.

The duo, who met through the Dorset Expeditionary Society, will cover 120km a day, passing through France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.

Cardiff University student Paris, from Morcombelake, said he opted to help Cancer Research UK because of his mum’s work.

“My mum Helen is a palliative care nurse. I’ve gone out with her before and have seen the effects of cancer first-hand.

“I think that she and her colleagues do an absolutely amazing job,” he added.

Former Thomas Hardye School student Matthew, from Dorchester, cycled to Berlin in April 2009 in aid of children’s hospice Julia’s House.

Both men are busy getting in shape for the gruelling challenge ahead of departure on August 28.

Paris said: “I’m trying to cycle 10 miles every day and we’ve both been doing some fell running.

“We’re going to be camping and taking all our stuff on our backs and cooking at camp as we go round.

“I just hope we’re not going to be too saddle sore at the end of it.”

Both Paris and Matt, who have been supported by to the Claire Clements Trust, Coscan, the Youth Explorers Trust and the Dorset Expeditionary Society, are hoping to raise around £1,000.

They can be sponsored at justgiving .com/Matthew-Christmas n joanna.davis@dorsetecho.co.uk