STREET dance, graffiti art and free running were all on the cards during Awesome August on Portland.

The Island Club for Young People in East Weare Road teamed up with Revive Portland to create a month-long programme of activities.

The summer sessions were called Awesome August At Islanders to inspire youngsters to try something new.

The community group Revive Portland was set up to provide an Olympic legacy for the island after the 2012 Games under the Olympic Committees Changing Places scheme.

Revive Portland project leader Yvonne Bevan said: “The young people have really enjoyed it. It’s about getting them out there and trying new experiences.”

Every Thursday the Island club has been holding special events.

They included street dance workshops, a mobile skatepark and free-running classes, where people ‘run’ across urban areas using the terrain to perform tricks and stunts like back flips as they go.

Inside, the youth club is now adorned with a special piece of graffiti art created by the youngsters.

Dorset County Council provided funding for the projects and the free-running class was so popular that Karen Griffiths, of the council, is hoping to be able to set up a regular club in the autumn.
