THE TS Pelican is sailing back to Weymouth after the 2010 Tall Ships Race.

She is due to arrive in her home port on September 1 after setting sail from Amster-dam.

More than 100 young people from Weymouth and Portland have sailed on Pelican during July and August.

Second Mate Ben Swain said: “This year the Tall Ships Races have visited ports in Belgium, Denmark, Norway and the UK. “Several groups of young people from Weymouth have joined the crew this year and we have won several cups and awards during the voyage. “Recently, Pelican was in the lead overall in Class A of the North Sea Tall Ships Regatta and we are very proud of our achievements in 2010.”

Young people have taken part in various aspects of sail training while taking part in the Tall Ships Races.

People of all ages and abilities can sign up to go on Pelican.

The activities include instruction in all aspects of sailing but the aim is also to help people learn about themselves, discover hidden strengths and talents and understand the value of working as a team.

Many of the berths this summer were sponsored by the Adventure Under Sail charity and other businesses and organisations.

Pelican will remain alongside Weymouth Har-bour quayside for the rest of 2010.

She will be hosting activities during the B-side arts festival in September.

The Pelican also sails on trips out of the harbour, which people can sign up for.

Call the office on 01305 839476 about places on voyages on board the Pelican.
