A FEW months ago, West Dorset District Council put in for planning permission for new council offices in Charles Street Dorchester.

The idea was to combine all West Dorset’s separate offices in one building.

It’s a good idea for the staff – all 330 of them who have an hour each lunchtime to spend in the town of Dorchester bringing potential financial assets to some of the shopkeepers.

But do they and would they? How many work flexi-hours, working through their lunch breaks to go home early, bring sandwiches to eat at their desk, or just amble around the shops getting in the way of real shoppers, spenders bringing actual money to the town?

After reading the article by Harry Hogger ‘Council move could create ghost town’ if the offices were to move I was shocked.

Surely the parking meters situated around the town have done this anyway?

What is so bad about a move to Poundbury? After all, there are many suitable buildings standing empty and a jolly site cheaper than the proposed development in Charles Street.

What has not seemed to percolate through the council’s brain is that we cannot afford, at this time, these offices.

We, the taxpayers, will not stump up the extra cash in our rates to pay for something at this time we do not want.

You may and can threaten all you want Mr Clarke, but I will not be paying for this, will you take a drop in your salary? I don’t think so!

I also think you should take note from the rest of the country’s behaviour. We are all tightening our belts, spending what we can afford. Some people are having to take salary cuts.

Consider the plight of West Dorset. It has one of the highest retirement populations and soon will need an increase in funding for the elderly, home care, care home provision, etc.

Lastly, I would like to remind councillors that they are in office to provide services for all the residents of West Dorset, not the few who work in the council offices.

Heather Robinson Bridport Road Dorchester