It was kind of Dorset County Council’s Paul Leivers to respond eventually to my letter about the absence of council support for lipreading classes (Your Say, August 17).

I am sorry that our council ‘simply has not the money’ to provide the modest subsidy which would be necessary.

His letter has introduced me to a new worry. If our councillors have no funds to pay so small an amount, have they sufficient funds to pay their employees properly? It would be terrible to think that they had to exist on sweated labour pay.

Fortunately, the ones that I know appear to be reasonably nourished – very well nourished in some cases.

Although, without the help gladly provided by so many other authorities, lipreading classes do take place in Dorchester.

We meet from 10am to noon on Tuesdays at the Holy Trinity Parish Hall, resuming on September 21.

Do ring 01308 897543 or attend if you think they might help you.

Mr Leivers tells us that we can apply for an attendance subsidy. Oh good! I wonder why none of us seem to know anything for certain about it, nor know anyone who has made such an application.

Now that we do know for sure, perhaps we lipreaders should apply, asking Mr Leivers personally at the council offices for directions as to how we should go about it. He will know the answers and I am sure would be glad to help us.

Tony Wheeler Mountain Ash Road Dorchester