Betty Hennessey and a loyal band of helpers recently held a toy sale to raise funds for the upkeep of the Scutt Hall.

The toys had been kindly donated by the Playgroup on closing down, and there was an excellent selection of good quality items for youngsters. Attendance was not too high, but those who did get along were rewarded with some marvellous bargains, and ended up buying more than they anticipated! Over £50 was raised.

The next fundraising event is the Scout Autumn Jumble Sale in October. I’ll let you know the date later, but if you are having a clear-out then all jumble gratefully received. Ring Betty on 833614 if you can help.

It its 50th anniversary year the Dorset Historic Churches Trust will be organising a sponsored cycle ride on Saturday 11 September.

The aim is for individuals to raise sponsorship by visiting as many local churches as they can, would like or are able! Dorset is one of only two trusts which recorded increased donations in 2009, so clearly local people have the Trust’s interests at heart – that of maintaining the fabric of our Dorset churches, a rich heritage indeed.

If you would like to take part, or know more, give the St Andrew’s Team Office a call on 837147.

If your cycling days are over – or never started! – and you would still like to help, Dennis Ackroyd would welcome your support, for he intends to walk at least 15 miles visiting as many churches as possible on the day. If you would like to join him for all or part of his route, or to sponsor him, then contact him on 778122.

If you attended the Sutton Poyntz Village Victorian Street Fayre (and if you didn’t, why not?) then you will know what a huge success it was.

The weather was kind, the entertainment marvellous and the range of stalls and activities endless, as a crowd of over 6,000 will testify.

In addition to money taken at the auction organised by Goadsby Estate Agents and at the many charity stalls – yes, that’s right, in addition to those sums – an total of nearly £17,000 was raised, which will be donated to various charities and local activities.

I hope to attend the presentation night when the various organisations receive the money, and I’ll let you know then who the lucky recipients are.

Guy Bridge and his many, many helpers are to be congratulated on their efforts, and are no doubt having a well earned rest before even contemplating the planning for the next event in 2012. There’s something else happening that year, isn’t there?

Whatever it is, I’m sure it won’t be as much fun as the Street Fayre!