THE SEPTEMBER meeting of Cattistock WI will be about the history of the mill in Cattistock and the Fox and Hounds pub.

This will be an open meeting due to expected local interest and will take place on the evening of Thursday, September 2. The talk will start at about 8pm.

For more details, please contact Pauline Purdy (01300 320233).

  • THERE will be a jumble sale in Maiden Newton village hall at 2pm on Saturday, September 4th.

Please bring any good jumble and produce along to the hall at 1pm. You are asked not to donate large items or electrical goods.

Do come along in good time to get the best bargains.

There will also be refreshments, cake and produce stalls and a raffle.

For enquiries, please ring 01300 321112

  • CREAM TEAS will be served at St Mary’s Church, Stratton on Sunday, September 5 from 2pm until 5pm.

This is a Friends of St Mary’s Church event. Everyone is welcome.

  • MELBURY OSMOND WI’s September meeting will be held in the Evershot Bakery, where Mr Crate will be helping members make harvest loaves.

Members are asked to bring a pinny, rolling pin and pizza wheel.

The meeting takes place at 6.30pm on Wednesday, September 8.

  • THERE will be a coffee morning at Lower Coombe Farm, Rampisham, on Wednesday, September 8.

A warm welcome from Sheila Ellis will await you, so please come along to that.

  • THIS is a reminder about the Yetties concert in aid of Children of Fiji.

The concert takes place at 7.30pm on Friday, September 10 in the Savill Hall, Cattistock.

At the time of writing, there are still a few tickets remaining, so it is worth contacting us if you would like to attend the concert, particularly as this might well be your last chance to see the group before they retire.

  • RAM-FEST 2010 (Evershot v The Rest of the World Cricket Match + gig), originally scheduled for Saturday, September 11, has unfortunately had to be cancelled.
  • HOWEVER, if you are interested in a tree spotting and supper evening, why not go along to nearby Frome St Quintin instead.

This event takes place at Frome Farm on Saturday, September 11, commencing at 5pm.

The cost is £7.50 for an adult and £3.50 for a child.

Come along and test your ability to identify some of the trees and shrubs around the farm.

Exhausted by your efforts, you can enjoy supper in the barn and a further quiz.