A SPECIAL WEDDING took place at St. Peter’s Church, Portesham on 7th August of Hayley Jolliffe and David Richardson with many villagers there to support the happy couple and wish them well.

Hayley is the daughter of Sue and Graham Jolliffe and generations of the Jolliffe family have lived in Portesham village for over 400 years.

Graham, his brother Martin and sister Linda and families still live in the village, also Hayley’s grandmother Beryl, and they are all very much part of the village community.

Hayley was born and grew up in the village and attended Portesham Primary School and was also a member of various organisations.

The reception was held in a marquee in the beautiful setting of Abbey House in Abbotsbury.

Hayley had worked at Abbey House during her college years and always dreamed of having her wedding reception there.

David and Hayley have now made their home in St. Albans, Hertfordshire where Hayley teaches and David works for the Post Office.

It is always a joy to have a wedding celebration in our church but an extra special delight when it includes a young person who has grown up in the village.

Everyone in Portesham wishes the happy couple, Hayley and David much love and every happiness in their future life together.

  • CHESIL BANK PARISH COUNCIL meeting will be held on Monday, September 6 in the village hall, Portesham at 7.30pm.

If you wish to shape the future of the village please be there to put forward your views.

  • DORSET HISTORIC CHURCH TRUST Ride and Stride takes place on Saturday, September 11 and involves 160 parishes in Dorset.

Those taking part help to raise money for the Dorset Historic Church Trust, and can also raise money for a church of their choice.

  • THE HARVEST SUPPER tickets are now available from Liz Draper (871316) Debbie Johnson (871180 and Denise Sinclair (871032) or at the village hall Post Office.

A two course meal to include a hot first course and pudding with entertainment, licensed bar and a superb raffle makes this outing great value so don’t miss out and be disappointed like so many were last year - book early!

Offers of prizes from local businesses will be very welcome, please, especially as the money all goes to charity.

The date of this splendid evening is Saturday, October 9 - 6.30 for 7.00pm.