Abbotsbury and Langton Herring


ABBOTSBURY’S very own village Horticultural Show took place on Sunday, August 22nd

Villagers took advantage of the breaks in the mist and rain to stage their exhibits in the Swan Inn.

Flower arrangements were blown about as they were taken into the hall and remedial work was quickly done before the judging.

The four flower arrangement classes were well supported and the arrangements were a delight The judge was Bunty Purchase..

Children provided an amazing range of scary monsters made from vegetables for their class.

There were classes for photos and paintings, flowers and vegetables, preserves and carrot cakes made from a given recipe and which were huge.

My cake, which unsurprisingly did not win a prize, has been cut up and frozen and will feed family and friends for some time to come!

It has been a difficult year for vegetable growers and so they did very well to find so much produce to enter.

The local Beachcombers organised this little show, but we all wish they would give us a bit more notice of the event.

Well done Beachcombers for all the hard work you put in to staging your Horticultural Show, it was fun.

Thanks also go to mein hosts at the Swan Inn

THE Beachcombers are a group which raises funds for local good causes

Recently they have given a piece of medical equipment, a nebuliser, to village resident Danny Langford.

Danny has had a spell in hospital and is very grateful for the nebuliser, which has made his life a bit easier.

He thanks the Beachcombers very much for this generous gift.

THE Chesil Beach Centre is hosting one of its wildlife walks in Abbotsbury on Tuesday, August31

You are invited to join them at the Swannery at 2.00pm to look at the autumn birds.

The fees will be adults£3, children £2.

Langton Herring

LANGTON village club starts the new season on Tuesday, September 7

Jenny Morris will be giving a welcome follow up talk, Arctic 2, on her time in the Arctic.

The evening starts at 7.30pm and guests are welcome for a small charge, refreshments are provided