LITTLE Roma Pearl Ivy Mason is a welcome new addition to her growing family.

She was born at Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester, earlier this month weighing 8lb 5oz.

Dad PC Garry Mason, aged 33, of Dorchester Police, and mum Kim say they are delighted to have a baby sister for their first child, Sachin, aged three.

Kim, 34, who works for Dorset County Council as a vocational support officer, said: “I almost had her at home.

“I was only in labour for about an hour and we had to call the paramedics to come and take me to hospital.

“Roma’s doing fine now – she sleeps a lot, much better than her brother in fact.

“I was a bit shocked when Garry told me we had had a girl and I had to ask the midwife to double check for me.

“We didn’t know we were having a girl, and we would have been happy either way, but it is nice to have a girl.”

Kim said the family has already been out camping together and that little Roma was a hit at a recent wedding.

She added: “Her dad says we’re not having any more but I say ‘never say never’.

“The family’s been round to see her and given her a lot of dresses and lots of pink things.

“But I think we’ll be avoiding pink for her room – I’m not overly keen on it.”