IN this present climate of cutbacks and job losses, we read of no money to pay our nurses and cutbacks in daycare centres with social services pared to the bone.

Council assets are being sold off to fill yet another black hole.

So why is there still free unlimited bus travel for a certain section of society?

This service is costing the country, local councils and the taxpayer millions because, at the end of the day, it’s not free.

The bus companies are private companies, which are out to make a profit and are not doing it as a goodwill gesture.

The fact of the matter is that many people who are eligible for the passes are probably in a higher annual income bracket than the young and lower-paid workers trying to raise a family.

The majority of people that I have spoken to would be quite happy to go back to the previous system of half fare, providing that there are no time restrictions on usage.

BARRIE FIGES Bus pass holder Clarendon Avenue Weymouth