A SYNOPSIS of the society we live in today.

We have people who have moved to the area after probably selling their town houses for very large sums of money.

They, therefore, think that they can impose their way of thinking on the rest of us.

For example, the gent who moved to a village with a main artery running through it and then proceeded to press the button on the zebra crossing for hours causing five-mile tailbacks, not once thinking about the health of the people stuck in those jams.

The council started talks with him – I would have thrown him in prison.

We have an attitude that you see more and more of in Weymouth due to the roadworks, with people expecting other drivers to give way to them and then proceed to cut up a cyclist who shouldn’t be in their way.

We have a sad group in today’s society who move to the seaside to retire but cannot stand anything connected to the seaside, including crowds of people enjoying themselves on the beach, people eating in the street, fish and chips and, most annoyingly, the birds that frequent this area from a sparrow to a seagull.

I say to these people move somewhere like Eastbourne where there is a large population of old moanies and very little else.

The only noise to break the deafening silence is the odd ambulance or hearse.

On the other hand, take a stroll along the water edge, past the former Noah’s Ark and see the joy on the young children’s faces as they feed the wildlife a few crumbs.

Not only does this evoke compassion towards other creatures on this Earth but it also promotes a spirit of sharing – a trait missing from some of these selfish, uncaring moaners.

TIM GRIFFITHS Stoke Road Wyke Regis