People who deliberately speed are idiots.

I venture to say most caught by the cameras are probably just not concentrating.

Regarding Chideock, anyone who has to run the gauntlet of Chideock on a daily basis hates the place.

It is one of only a handful of villages in the whole country with Gatsos at each end. These are further reinforced frequently by mobile cameras on the hills at each end.

The county has now installed traffic lights to assist people crossing a busy road.

Almost immediately these were utilised via the push button by members of the ‘Chideock ByPass Goon Show’, causing massive tailbacks of traffic in both directions.

The whole Chideock experience is a nightmare for motorists.

Incidentally, is Chideock a recognised accident blackspot to warrant this amount of cameras?

How much money have these combined banks of cameras coined for the county in the last year?

Michael Perry, address supplied