THE Royal Manor of Portland AC’s final annual community event each year, the Dumble Bimble Fun Runs, will take place on Tuesday, September 7, when competitors and spectators are asked to gather at the YMCA in Reforne before 7pm.

Registration for both events takes place at the YMCA.

Although both the five-mile and two-mile runs will finish at the YMCA , the five-milers will start off from the car park opposite St George’s Church in Wide Street at 7pm while the two-milers will head off shortly afterwards from the YMCA.

The event is held annually in memory of highly respected and enthusiastic members of the RMPAC, the late Alan Dumble and his son, Andrew, and all proceeds are donated each year to Weldmar HospiceCare Trust for which the club hopes to exceed last year’s total of £700.

Entries at £2 for adults and £1 for children can only be made on the night but sponsorship forms are available either from Portland Sports Shop in Easton or from Jan Dumble on 01305 861291.

The five-mile event requires a minimum age of 15 years but there are no limitations on the two-mile event in which competitors can either walk or run, except that all children must be accompanied by an adult.

There is an award for the first under 15 girl and boy in the two-mile and for the first male and female in the five-mile and there will also be a free draw.