A DAZZLING display of floats and walking entries lit up the damp, grey skies at Bridport Carnival procession on Saturday.

Hundreds lined the streets to cheer on the colourful parade, led by the Wessex Military and Dorchester Carnival bands.

Organisers were delighted with the turnout – some 40 entries – one of the largest in recent years.

And mayor Geoff Ackerman praised the revellers for coming out in such large numbers despite the threat of heavy rain.

Early downpours meant some of the tableaux had to be hurriedly repaired after suffering water damage – including the Bridport Scouts’ Dr Who entry which was left with two soggy Daleks and a waterlogged police box.

Heading up the floats was the royal party with princess Lucy Paull, 14, attendants Jade Coombs and Hannah Rist, carnival prince Zack Chantler and Junior carnival princess Imogen Gordon.

The mayor’s special award went to an entry from Bridport twinning association.

Their Blessing of the Sea float was decked with paper flowers brought home from St Vaast La Hougue by members after their recent trip to see the French town’s famous 10-yearly boat blessing ceremony.