A CYCLIST who was involved in a road accident has overcome his setback to prepare for an epic adventure.

Ray Sherry of Dorchester is joining a team of 10 Barclays Bank employees to cycle the length of the country.

They aim to raise £30,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support by riding from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

Ray, 46, who works for Barclays corporate technology in Poole, was involved in the minor road accident last month but is confident he will be ready for the tour on August 29.

He said: “I’ve been practising since February but I was ill for the first six months of the year. I was due to get back on target by the end of July but then the accident happened.

“We’ve done a simulation day so are feeling a bit more confident and have had nutritional advice from Ashley Davis at Dorset County Hospital,” he said.

The team has chosen to raise money for Macmillan as they have all been affected by cancer in some way, Ray said.

He added: “My father Tom died of cancer in 2007.”

He said: “I think the majority of the team will be feeling extremely tired by the finish on September 7, but I am trying to see it as an activity holiday.”

To sponsor Ray go to www.justgiving. com/Ray-Sherry-LEJOG2010.