A BOY aged eight was left crying in pain after being attacked by a dog in Weymouth.

His family are disgusted with the dog’s middle-aged owner who they say appeared unconcerned and left without leaving his details.

Mum Timi Ahern is warning parents to be on their guard after the unprovoked attack near the seafront.

Archie, on holiday with his family from London, was bitten on the leg by a feisty Jack Russell behind Alexandra Gardens.

As Archie was wearing jeans the bite only scraped the skin leaving a bruise but he was taken to hospital as a precaution.

Miss Ahern, 42, said: “We were on the way to dinner when we became aware of a man behind us walking his dog which was panting and pulling at the lead.

“We stepped aside to let him through. The man joked how the dog was taking him for a walk and then suddenly the dog snapped at Archie’s right leg, just above the knee.

“I told the man what his dog had done but amazingly he denied it and started backing away. I didn’t want to get into a confrontation and at the end of the day I was more concerned about comforting my boy.

“The man said he lived around the corner and would be back but he disappeared. He didn’t behave like a responsible dog owner.”

Miss Ahern, a teaching assistant from Southwark in London, described Archie as a ‘tough little cookie’ but said the attack left him distressed and confused. She said: “He can’t understand why the dog bit him. I feel terrible because I should’ve done more to protect him but there’s nothing I could’ve done.

“I am really cross with the dog owner who didn’t seem to care.

“If Archie had been wearing shorts or if it had been a much younger child the damage could’ve been far worse. I’m speaking out because I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else. The dog is unpredictable and needs to be put under proper control.”

Weymouth and Portland dog warden Ian Lewis is keen to trace the dog owner so he can educate him about responsible dog ownership.

The man, or anyone who knows him, can contact Mr Lewis at Weymouth and Portland Borough Council on 01305 838009.