STUDENTS at Wey-mouth College celebrated as every one of them passed their A-levels.

This year saw 81 per cent of students pass with A*-C grades and there were six of the new A* grades awarded.

Eight adults and 70 students took 174 A-levels between them and everyone passed.

Students had to pass their second year exams with over 90 per cent to achieve the grade.

Weymouth College principal Sue Moore said: “We’d like to congratulate all our students on their achievements in both AS and A-levels and wish them every success.

“We also look forward to welcoming some of our students back when they start their degree courses with us.”

One of the top A-level achievers was Rowan Smith, of Frampton, who achieved two A*s in media studies and psychology and two As in business studies and maths.

He said: “I’ve had two of the best years of my life at Weymouth college. It’s great.”

He will now be going to Loughborough University to study banking, finance and management.

George Goddard from Puncknowle was ‘elated’ with his result of an A* in maths and two As in further maths and physics.

He will be taking up a place at University of Exeter at the end of September studying maths. He said: “I feel great.

“I thought I’d get a B in physics but I’m really happy I got an A.”

Eigile Kasparaityte got three As in maths, photography and law. She spent her last A-level year studying in both Weymouth and Lithuania.

She was moving to London yesterday afternoon to find a place to live ahead of taking up a place at the University of East London to study accounting and law.

She said: “I got a text message this morning saying I’d got a place there and I started crying. It’s really exciting.”

She added: “I’m really going to miss going to college and seeing all the lecturers.”

Sam Grant received A* in media, A in photography and B in english language.

She is planning on taking a year off before taking a place at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham to study photography.

She said: “I’ve done so much better than I thought I would.”