WHERE else but in the Sutton Poyntz Scarecrow competition would a wicked witch attract more votes than Elvis Presley?

This year's 'crop' of scarecrows, on show for the fortnight before the Village Vegetable Show, was to a higher standard than ever before.

These included scarecrows on penny-farthing bicycles, Morris dancing and discussing MPs expenses! There was a sad England football supporter, Gordon Brown with Alistair Darling, an octopus in the pond and a lady leaving the Mill with two dogs on leads. I just can't think who that reminded me of!

A great number of visitors, many family groups, could be seen walking around the village, having picked up a map of the scarecrow locations and voting slip from the Springhead, and the delight of the children at spotting each scarecrow was a delight to hear.

John Crisp said that there was a very even spread of votes across all competitors, and it was an extremely close contest. In the end it came down to a two horse – or to be more precise, two scarecrow – race (even if the scarecrows were standing still!) Finally the Witch at Bluebell Cottage just came in ahead of Elvis Presley in Sutton Road.

John gave his thanks to all those who took part, all who took the time to vote and to mine host of the Springhead, Richard, for the distribution of the maps.

I think a vote of thanks is also in order to John for his efforts in organising another bumper scarecrow display.

ON Monday August 16 I received an email telling me that our local police would be holding street corner meetings in Preston and Sutton Poyntz on Thursday August 19.

These meetings, to listen to our issues and concerns, took place at Overcombe Corner between 3pm and 3.45pm, outside the Preston Road surgery between 4pm and 4.45pm and finally in Sutton Road outside the Cartshed between 5pm and 5.45pm.

When I caught up with the Police Pact van in Sutton Poyntz there were five residents in attendance, one of whom told me that she had no idea the van would be visiting, and only came across it by chance.

It seems as though the visits had not been very well publicised. I would be happy let you know when the next visit is going to take place, providing there is more than just three days notice!

THE St Andrew's Community Angels, who provide support for the community from within the community, are looking for more volunteers to become new angels.

If you can spare a few hours a week and would like to help those around you – full training given – then contact them on 05601 792905 for more details. It wouldn't hurt to find out more.