APPLYING for one of the Open4Business Awards is easy.

There are two key elements you need to consider before you write your award entry – content and style.

Hopefully the following tips will help entrants put together an award winning entry.

The headline sponsor for the awards is Weymouth College but each category also has an individual sponsor.

Go to the website at to download forms and more details.

Remember the deadline is Friday September 10.

1. Get Cracking: It is not often you are given the chance to legitimately promote your business and generate free publicity; encourage and praise your team and potentially win the prestigious award.

What have you got to lose?

2. Choose appropriate award category: Choose all the categories you think you could compete in.

Remember, not all categories are as well represented as others. The questions within each category are straightforward. Consider compelling examples, testimonials or measurements that endorse and support your achievements.

Businesses are only allowed to enter two of the award categories.

3. Answer the questions: Answer each question in full, the more details and benefits to your business, the more your application will stand out with the judges.

Don’t assume that information that you may have included in a previous answer will be recalled, repeat specific details to a question, especially if you are applying for more than one award.

4. Boast – don’t be modest! Your positive opening words are crucial to the content. Begin with the end. This is the hook which will encourage those judging to delve deeper. So don’t ramble; get to the point, every word should count. Be proud of what you have done, this is one time when it is absolutely right to boast.

5. Give specific examples: The judges are looking for clear examples of how you have improved your business so wherever possible substantiate your claims with figures. Remember that the judges may not have any past experience of your industry, avoid technical jargon. Judges need to be able to understand easily your industry, product or market from the information you have included.

6. Proof read: Even if you used spell check, first read your application out loud. You will identify spelling and grammatical errors as well as check for clarity, rhythm and pace. Then get someone else outside your organisation to proof read your application for clarity, spelling and grammatical errors.

It’s very difficult to spot your own mistakes especially if you have already done several drafts.

Don’t forget to post it – if you don’t enter you can’t win. Good luck!