THE deadline is approaching for entries in the Open4Business awards.

Firms have until 5pm on Friday, September 10, to lodge their forms for the prestigious titles.

Business Link has urged companies to enter and stressed the benefits that entering – as well as winning – can bring.

Matthew Butcher, economic development manager for Business Link in Dorset, said: “We would certainly urge all small businesses to think about entering the awards.

“It costs you nothing to enter, and there are plenty of potential benefits in terms of publicity, brand building and general awareness of your company.

“Taking part in the awards process is also good for team spirit and staff morale.

“It reminds everyone in the company how much progress the company has made.

“And if you turn out to be a finalist in one of the categories, the staff get a good night out at the awards evening – as I’m sure previous finalists will testify.”

The Open4Business awards night is on October 7 at Weymouth College.

Business Link in Dorset is managing the event schedule for Open4Business 2010, and has organised extremely popular events during the season.

Some places are still available for the last of the four: ‘Everything you wanted to know about marketing but were afraid to ask’, on October 21 at the Hotel Rembrandt in Weymouth.

Mr Butcher said: “We hope everyone will make the most of the Open4Business schedule between now and October.

“It is a great way to meet other local businesses and gather useful information and contacts.”

Another major Business Link event takes place at the Bovington Tank Museum on September 15.

‘Meet The Buyer: competing successfully for public sector contracts’ enables company owners to talk directly to county council buyers of goods and services, and find out about becoming one of the council’s suppliers.

For information about all Business Link events, phone 0845 600 9966 or go to

n THE Open4Business fortnight will begin on October 4 and will run until October 22. The final event will be a closing function sponsored by the Weymouth and Portland’s chamber of commerce.

O4B chairman Gareth Jones, of Weymouth and Portland Borough Council, said: “Open4Business 2010 will focus on preparing all businesses for world class business opportunities which may occur in the lead up to 2012.”

For more information and to book events – most free of charge – call 01305 838476 and go to You can book any of the events now, most are free of charge on the website at