A TEACHER has told of the moment she chased burglars down her garden after they raided her family’s house near Dorchester.

Naomi Giles, 26, was at home at Piddletrenthide when her mum shouted from the kitchen that she could hear noises upstairs.

When the pans on the wall shook because of the burglar’s movement they thought it was an animal who had made it into their house.

But Mrs Giles then looked out of the kitchen window to see burglar Vernon Davies trying to get in.

Miss Giles, who works at Charmouth Primary School, said: “Mum started saying ‘there’s someone in your room’ as the kitchen pans were rattling and we thought it was a deer.

“It was horrible.

“She said ‘can you come up with me’ as we thought we would have to ‘shoo’ something away.

“But before I got up, there was this man looking through the kitchen window at my mum.

“She screamed, and he hadn’t realised anyone was there and was trying to get in the kitchen door.”

Mrs Giles injured her leg getting tangled in her computer wires as she tried to get away.

“She was saying ‘he’s there, he’s there’ and we were screaming something like ‘who are you and what the hell are you doing?” Miss Giles added.

She said she ran out of their side door to see Davies running away through the garden.

She said: “We got rid of him and he ran over the brambles and skidded around in the mud.

“And then all of a sudden the other bloke came hurtling out of my bedroom.

“He came out and went racing after the other bloke.

“He must have hurt himself in the brambles as well.

“We thought that was the end of it and we were screaming for help from the neighbours as we didn’t know what the hell was going on.”

Miss Giles then heard ‘almighty revving’ before a car raced back past the house.

She thanked the police for their ‘fantastic’ and ‘phenomenal’ work.

She said their helicopter was quickly on the scene and Davies, Philip Bright and driver Charlotte Irene Wroe were stopped.

Miss Giles’ father Brent and brothers Duncan and Adam were out at the time of the burglary.

The family has now spent thousands of pounds on a new burglar alarm and also have a dog.

Miss Giles added: “I’ve still got their registration plate imprinted on my brain.

“What upset me the most is they did not just come in and take things, they trashed the place.

“I still ask my brothers to walk upstairs with me when I’m going up to bed.

“That’s really sad but it’s how someone can make you feel in your own home.”