the Green Room at the Pavilion and opened a new cafe in the foyer, namely “Ritz Cafe”, and encouraged locals to use this facility.

I decided to give it a go and have since made many visits for a morning coffee. As I drive into town, the most convenient reason for using this cafe has been the area in front of the Pavilion where one could park free for 30 minutes – time enough to enjoy a coffee and the view of the Bay from the cafe.

Over the past two weeks I have been unable to pay my usual visit because our caring (or not) council have decided in their wisdom to fence off two thirds of the area which is being used by Haven Holidays to promote their static caravans.

This leaves just three parking spaces for the public, which, obviously, are always in use.

This is the same firm that our council have agreed that they can use the building that once held our Tourist Information Office.

The council officials are supposed to make decisions for the betterment of the town – residents and visitors alike but things like this defies logic.

Incidently, as I drove out today I noticed the Cafe was empty – I’m not surprised. John Warren, Maskew Close, Chickerell.