I WRITE in reply to David Johnston’s letter (Your Say, August 11) regarding the ‘legacy’ that will be left by the 2012 games and other sailing events.

Unfortunately, it seems that Mr Johnston is like a lot of misguided people, including our councillors, who have fallen for the propaganda.

However, they are missing the point and the reasons why the local population is on the whole very apathetic towards the games and the current sailing events.

The Weymouth relief road was in the process of being given the go-ahead before the games were announced so that is not a legacy.

I have no doubt that various eateries and hotels/B&Bs, etc, are and will do well from the sailing events in Weymouth and Portland and no doubt swell their bank accounts and profits – good luck to that few.

As for the cruise ships coming to the area, yes they have – and coaches took the passengers to Stonehenge, Sherborne and Corfe Castle and then back to the ship.

What the ‘powers that be’ seem to forget is that London will have state-of-the-art sports facilities, and for those not of a sporting ilk, a very nice park and a large number of full-time ‘proper jobs’ for people running and maintaining these facilities.

Long term, all the general public of Weymouth and Portland will be left with as ‘the legacy’ is some new bus stops and traffic lights.

This then, Mr Johnston is the true legacy to the average person in Weymouth and Portland.

After the games, people won’t come to our area because there was once some sailing here.

How many people can even remember where the sailing was held at the Athens games or even Beijing – not many I guess (unless you are a sailor).

I really am sorry to sound so negative. I even helped with the Back the Bid campaign but I, like so many I speak to, feel that this despite the hype this is unfortunately all our true ‘legacy’ will be.

Bill Landucci, Dumbarton Road, Weymouth.