TOURISTS have been left horrified by the state of Weymouth’s toilets.

John and Jenny Pitman regularly visit the town from Yeovil and like to visit Greenhill beach but they have been left angry by the state of the facilities.

Mr Pitman, who has previously campaigned for better toilet facilities in Yeovil, said that the toilets were horrifying.

He said: “The hygiene and general cosmetics of the place is horrifying.

“To think it’s just under two years to the Olympics.

“It’s grubby and grimy.

“The top of the cistern is dirty, the seats are worn and the handle on the flush is rusty and not very hygienic.”

He added: “The toilets are necessary, what with the tennis courts and the beach and the café. I’d say that the basic needs of holidaymakers and families are not being met.

“I wouldn’t take a young child or a grandchild into a place like that.”

Mr Pitman said that when he had to use the toilets he rushed in and out as fast as possible and that the facilities made him cringe. He added that he would be put off taking a family into the toilets.

Mr Pitman has raised his concerns with Weymouth and Portland Borough Council.

The complaints come after the council agreed to launch a pilot scheme with a 20p entrance fee to boost the facilities.

A spokesman for Weymouth and Portland Borough Council said that the toilets were monitored constantly.

He said: “Our contractors clean the toilets at Greenhill three times a day.

“If there is a problem we will look at the situation.

“The council does have a refurbishment programme but funding is limited and decisions regarding all contractual cleaners are made according to their priority.”

He added that Weymouth and Portland Borough Council had just spent £33,000 refurbishing the Maiden Street toilets in Weymouth.

The council also said that the Greenhill toilets would not be subject to the 20p charge that would apply to the Swannery car park conveniences in the near future.