SINGER Dominic Kirwan got on his bike to help raise cash for the Sue Ryder Care charity shop in Weymouth.

The star made an appearance at the annual Ride for Ryder two-day bikeathon before a concert at the Pavilion.

Fans from around the country gathered to watch the singer take his turn on the exercise bike outside the shop on Lodmoor Hill.

Dominic said: “Sue Ryder is a very worthwhile cause and a wonderful organisation.

“People do look up to artists and if I can raise the profile of a good cause in any way then I am happy to do that.”

Sue Ryder shop helpers contacted the star after realising he would be at the Pavilion at the same time as their fundraiser.

Each year the charity hosts its Ride for Ryder challenge, which costs a pound to enter, to see who can cycle the furthest distance in one minute.

There was also a ‘guess the name of the Teddy’ competition, a raffle, and home made cakes and tea on sale at the Weymouth shop on Dorchester Road.

One of Dominic’s fans, Ruth Bullard, travelled from West Sussex with her friend Ann Dungey to get a close encounter with the star.

She said: “I have been a fan for 20 years and I have every single album. I’ve had a cake and a cup of tea to support the cause too.”

Dominic was awarded a gift basket from the Sue Ryder Care staff and organisers hope that around £250 will be raised from the two-day event.

Shop manager Sam Osborne said: “I’d like to thank all of the volunteers for all their hard work. The event is really down to them and I’m very proud.”