FAMILIES have been warned to be vigilant after alerts about a man approaching children in Bovington.

Dorset Police and Ministry of Defence Police said they were taking the sightings near a playpark between Swinton Avenue and Holt Road ‘extremely seriously’.

Parents raised the alarm with police on Tuesday, June 22, Saturday, July 31 and more recently on Wednesday August 11.

Two further sightings of a man have been reported, prompting police to search the area with the helicopter and dog handlers.

A Bovington dad told the Echo that he had seen police patrols driving around the area four times a day.

A mum-of-two, who did not want to be named, said parents are now more protective of their children.

She said: “You would think that with being an army camp, we would be safe.

“I have spoken to another parent who will no longer let her child go out and play on her own.

“I don’t think I’ll be letting my children out on their own either.

“If they do go out, it has to be a big group of them.”

The land between Swinton Avenue and Holt Road is owned by the MoD.

DI Jim Beashel, of the police’s public protection unit, said: “We are treating these incidents extremely seriously, as it is not yet known what the man’s motives may have been.

“Dorset Police, assisted by the Ministry of Defence, has stepped up patrols in the area, which is isolated and popular with dog walkers.

“I would actively encourage anyone who has any information regarding these incidents, and anyone who notices any suspicious activity in the area, to contact us.”

County councillor Alex Brenton said: “I’m surprised because the Bovington area is a very open area which is well populated and there are lots of people around.

“It’s very easy for rumours to run riot.

“The Wool and Bovington area do have problems but not problems with strangers.

“Maybe the answer is for the parents to go down to the play park with their children.”

Purbeck district councillor for the area Graham Holmes added: “I would just say to people be vigilant and as soon as you see or hear anything report it.”

In the first incident the man was described as white, with ginger hair and a ginger beard, and was wearing knee-length shorts and white trainers.

The second report described the man as white, aged in his late 20s or early 30s, well built and with short dark hair.

Witnesses or anyone with information are asked to contact 01305 222222.