A TEENAGER from Weymouth has been competing alongside the world’s top sailors in the Sail for Gold regatta.

Harrison Reid, 16, has been racing every day at the regatta, held at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy this week.

He described it as an honour to be Sailing alongside world, European and Olympic champions.

Harrison, who hopes to attend Thomas Hardye School’s sixth form in September, became interested in sailing after watching coverage of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

He said: “I was watching the Olympics and I just thought it looked quite cool so I went to a local club, Castle Cove Sailing Club, and asked for a taster session.

“It just went on from there – sailing grows on you.

“I think I’m the youngest person down here which is quite an achievement.

“There are athletes here from all around the world and it is an honour to be competing against them.

“It’s not every day you get the chance to do that.”

Harrison, of Dorchester Road, Weymouth, added that it would be fantastic to compete in the Olympics one day himself but that he wanted to focus on his studies and future career.

Harrison, who is sailing in the Laser class at the regatta, said: “The Olympics would be great but it’s a big hurdle. If you really want it, you can go for it.

“But I have got sixth form coming up and you have to work quite hard to end up in a career.

“I’m thinking about joining the Navy and becoming an officer.

“Maybe I’ll focus on sailing again after university.”

He added: “The atmosphere here has been really good.”

Harrison was just 10 years old when he sailed with Olympic medallists Simon Hiscocks and Chris Draper as part of an Olympic bid video. He is still a member of Castle Cove Sailing Club, where he competes.