Buckland Newton

  • VILLAGE Fete: Just when you thought that all the fetes had taken place, here comes Buckland Newton!

Their ever popular fete will be held on Bank Holiday Monday, August 30.

The usual stalls await you – the ever popular cake stall, books, Granny’s Attic, produce, plants, Nearly New, children’s corner and many more!

One brand new stall should also attract a lot of attention: it is called The Gift Box and consists of perfectly new but unwanted gifts which may bring great pleasure to someone else – be sure to visit it!

A raffle will take place as well and there are two stalls for whisky and wine connoisseurs: Whisky Galore and Guess the Wine!

For any further information on the Village Fete contact Sue Bonnie on 01300 345586.


  • A REMINDER that Brownies are coming back to the Piddle Valley!

If your daughter is aged between seven and ten, she may be interested in joining.

The first session will at the Village Hall on Wednesday, September 15.

For more details or if you would like to join contact “Brown Owl” Kerry Moore on 01300 345117.

Cerne Valley

  • A RURAL West Safer Neighbourhood Team Update has been issued by your local PCSO Sarah Pilcher.

Having reported in my last column about her drop-in sessions at Abbots Tea Rooms in Cerne Abbas, there is also another way of informing her of any problems.

The Rural West Safer Neighbourhood Team, which consists of PC Sandy 178 and PCSO Sarah 5410 will be distributing four post boxes to suitable locations.

Attached to these will be postcards for anyone to write down messages concerning any problems, concerns or requests for information.

The postcards will be collected from the post boxes on a regular basis.

Your nearest post box, covering the Charminster and Cerne Abbas Ward is placed inside Charminster Post Office.

If you have any more questions on the above contact Sarah on 01305 222222, 07500 816292 or e-mail Dorchester-rural-snt@dorset.pnn.police.uk.

The information received on the postcards will be collated every three months so please use this service!

Cerne Abbas

  • CHURCH Fete: A huge Thank You to everyone who contributed to the phenomenal success the fete experienced once again this year!

A record sum of just under £ 6,500 was raised and this goes towards maintaining the church since it is the only regular way in which the Fabric Fund is topped up.

If you are a loyal follower of the fete or a newcomer wanting to lend a helping hand next year, please get in touch with Karen Handley on 01300 341158.

  • OPEN Gardens: Did you attend this year’s Open Garden week-end in the village?

If so you might be interested in looking at the photographs that were taken by our accomplished village photographers!

They can now be viewed at www.cerneabbasopengardens.org.uk/Gallery.aspx.

  • A SPECIAL Benefice Service will take place on Sunday, August 29.

It will be Revd Karen Curnock’s last service before her retirement.

The service will begin at 11am and be followed by lunch.

Everyone is welcome to join, please bring a plate to share.

During the ensuing time of waiting, whilst a new incumbent will be selected, regular “Prayer Time” will be set up.

This will give everyone an opportunity to get together fortnightly, pray and reflect on this time of change.

Prayer Time will be rotated round the churches and conducted on an informal basis, lasting for an hour or so.

Dates and times are to be decided shortly and everyone is welcome to attend.