I AM sick of looking at the misnomer ‘Weymouth transport package’ as I wait in jams at roundabouts.

If it was really a transport package, it would address the issues of public transport too.

With all these jams on the road, who wouldn’t prefer to take a bus and then get on the train to Dorchester or beyond?

What stops them? Well, several factors including: * Despite there being adequate room at the train station, no buses pull in there – for most routes, it is then quite a walk to the train station.

* Train fares are expensive. Especially if there is more than one of you – it is cheaper to drive.

* There is no ‘plus bus’ – you can’t buy a combined ticket for the bus and train (even if you could afford it!) * Train companies discourage use by making a single ticket practically the same price as a return.

So, come on transport bosses, if you really want to relieve traffic congestion, put some pressure on South West Trains.

Fill up those empty carriages by making train travel – at least as far as Southampton – affordable and fill your trains at the same time.

Then everyone’s a winner.

Heather Reilly, Windsor Road, Weymouth