MUGGING victim Noreen Bailey has told how she still suffers nightmares following an attack in Weymouth.

The pensioner said that she still did not feel confident enough to go out in the Park District after dark.

Mrs Bailey, 75, was pushed against garage doors in Melcombe Place and robbed of £25 in cash last July.

Her comments come after a late night fight left a Dorchester man, aged 33, unconscious and five men under arrest.

Mrs Bailey, 75, said that she was not surprised to learn of the violence that took place in Derby Street late on Sunday night.

She said: “I used to go up there at about 6pm to walk the dog and then have a sit down but you hear a lot of couples arguing and using abusive language.

“I don't feel it would be safer to go up there much later than that.

“I used to like going down to the bingo hall in Charles Street in the evenings but I don’t feel safe doing that any more either.”

Police arrested five Weymouth men, aged 53, 43, 22, 21 and 18, at the scene of the fight in Derby Street at 10.45am on Sunday.

The 33-year-old was taken to the Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester after being found unconscious in the street.

Community leaders have insisted that the Park District has become safer and that trouble has decreased.

Waterside Weymouth Community Forum chairman Ken Whatley has said that violence has dropped in the area recently.

He claimed that a lot of the trouble was due to people who were walking through the area.

Community leaders have also pointed out positive work in the area by such groups as the Partners and Community Together (PACT) group.