NOT content with just taking on Dorset, one teenager is now setting her sights on conquering the Galaxy.

Danielle De-Bear, 17, of Cerne Abbas, recently was crowned Miss Dorset Lifeboat after she raised £550 for the charity by undertaking a gruelling 10-mile kayak challenge.

Danielle also attended Weymouth RNLI Lifeboat week, where she helped with collections, and was a recent finalist in the Miss Natural Curves UK competition.

She is now setting her sights on winning the Miss Teen Galaxy award in February next year, after she was asked to represent Dorset.

As part of the work involved with the competition she will be working with the RNLI and Julia’s House charity to raise money.

Miss De-Bear, said: “I’m really enjoying it.

“I’m working closely with both charities and just hope to raise as much money as possible as both charities are really close to home.

“I’ve always loved little kids and I just wanted to help out with them and Julia’s House helps terminally ill children. It’s a great cause.”

Danielle who is currently studying for her A-levels at Thomas Hardye School said that one day she wants to be a barrister.

She said: “I would prefer to be prosecuting.

“I want to help put away bad people.

“It’s been a dream of mine for quite a few years now.

“My mum said I’d be amazing as a barrister and it just stuck in my head.”

Danielle will be continuing her charity work while she studies and is hoping to be able to put on a fashion show or concert for the charities later this year.