ROBYN Danielle Nixon ‘took her own life’ by stepping off the top of the multi-storey car park in Weymouth, a coroner has ruled.

The 15-year-old, of Wyke Regis, Weymouth, died as a result of massive head injuries due to blunt trauma, an inquest in Dorchester was told.

Witness Lorraine Parsons, who lives near the car park in Lower St Alban Street, described how she saw the teenager take her own life after speaking on her mobile phone.

Mrs Parsons said: “She didn’t hesitate. She got up from where she was sitting and walked straight off. She didn’t jump, she just stepped off.”

Mrs Parsons and her husband had alerted the police after seeing Robyn alone on top of the 50ft high building when she climbed over a barrier.

The inquest was told that the schoolgirl had previously told her former boyfriend and another male friend, who cannot be named because they are under 18, that she would take her own life in such a way. The friend said Robyn had told him she was having trouble with a group of girls from her school but that he did not realise how serious it was.

Her mum, Sue Nixon, said psychological bullying played a big part in her daughter’s distress.

The ex-boyfriend, now 17, said Robyn had ended their relationship shortly before her death but then wanted to get back together, and he had texted her saying he had another girlfriend.

He told the inquest that Robyn called him on Sunday, April 11, when he was in Alexandra Gardens with friends and he became concerned when she would not tell him where she was.

He walked to the multi-storey, with his new girlfriend at his side, but when Robyn saw them she ended the phone call and then stepped off the edge of the building, the inquest was told.

In his conclusion, coronor Michael Johnston said Robyn’s two areas of problems included her being excluded from a group of friends at school and her recent break-up with her boyfriend.

Mr Johnston said it may have been that Robyn only expected to see her ex-boyfriend come around the corner and when she saw the new girlfriend, it made up her mind.

The inquest was told that Robyn had left messages saying there was ‘nothing for anybody else to hear’.

Mr Johnston said Robyn had told friends in the past that she was going to either jump off the multi-storey or cut herself and that she would have done this earlier ‘except for her mum’.

He recorded a verdict that Robyn took her own life.