IT'S official – here comes summer.

And we know this because?

Many of our events at the centre have a well-earned holiday as the world and his wife leaves Weymouth in search of pastures new, at least for a couple of weeks.

This means that the Park Community Centre hall has plenty of availability.

If your child has a birthday then, providing that the hall is not being used, with only a few hours notice you can utilise our space for a very modest sum for a three-hour period, including a bouncy castle, which is erected by volunteers prior to your arrival.

All you have to do is provide your own food and drink.

Not everything has stopped at the Park Community Centre though.

Short mat bowls continues throughout August every Tuesday at 10am and 6:45pm as do art classes every Thursday from 9:45am to 11:45am with Angela.

New members are always welcome.

There is a small fee of £2 a session, which covers tea, coffee and materials.

All you need to bring is yourself although if you have any special leanings feel free to bring along any materials you need to express your artistic licence to the max.

Apart from this everything but life models are supplied!

Volunteers are actively encouraged to fill this position but sadly our budding artists have to rely on memory.

THE Police Safer Neighbourhood Team meets at the Park Community Centre on Thursdays from 10am to 11am.

If you have an issue you want to bring to their attention this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Only last week we mentioned that the one way sign at the Hardwick Street/Chelmsford Street junction had been rotated around and I see that this has now been resolved.

Hearty thanks go out to whoever made sure this got resolved quickly and with the minimum of fuss.

If you feel you have an issue but don't want to bring it up yourself in person we do accept anonymous comments and problems.

There are forms available and a post box where comments and problems can be posted.

These get attended to in due course.

ON Monday August 23 we have a stall on Weymouth Esplanade.

We hope that the weather will be kind to us.

At the moment we are in need of people to help run the stall and are still looking for tombola prizes.

If you have any please contact 01305 839579.