COUNCILLORS at Weymouth and Portland Borough Council are already looking at cost-saving measures ahead of the Government’s spending review in October.

It is expected that government cuts due to be announced in the review will leave local authorities facing major financial pressures.

The borough council is already working on a number of long-term plans to deal with the reductions in funding, including joint working with West Dorset District Council which will eventually lead to yearly savings of £2.5million across both councils.

Changes at the Pavilion, including the opening of the new Ritz café, will also contribute.

Others proposals will be looked into over the coming months in order to protect income from the changes to VAT rates in January and options to further generate more income or reduce costs.

The proposals will be reported back to the council’s management committee in December.

Coun Peter Chapman said: “This year, given the squeeze on the public sector, it is especially important that we plan ahead so that our response to the financial situation is a measured one.”