THE Bosworth Care Home Garden Party was great success, aided in no small part by magnificent weather.

Many of the residents enjoyed helping on the stalls, which included plants, cakes, a tombola and raffle - the first prize in which was champagne and a meal for two donated by Yates's wine bar - plus taking part in the organised games.

Over £270 was raised for the residents fund and they are now busy planning a trip to Swanage and another to Monkey World.

Yvonne Connolly, the manager of Bosworth, said that she is grateful to all the relatives, friends and staff who turned up to both help and support the event and to make the day such a success.

DAVID Manning rang to say that that the engineer in charge of the Relief Road Project, Matthew Pye, would be holding a public meeting in the Village Hall early in November to unveil the plans for traffic control at Chalbury Corner, and to invite feedback on the proposals.

The plan appears to be aimed at making Littlemoor Road the preferred route for traffic heading westwards into Weymouth, to link up with the new relief road. One of the possibilities will be to install traffic lights giving priority to Littlemoor Road traffic.

Given the terrible state of the road surface on many of the roads in our area, I can’t help wondering if the money available for junction changes couldn’t be better spent.

I'll try and find out what is proposed, and also the exact date and time of the meeting.

I TOOK part in a very interesting walk around Sutton Poyntz recently, one of the events organised for the 19th International Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival, in conjunction with the South Dorset Ridgeway Festival.

Over 40 walkers, led by Tony Fincham, Chairman of the Society, met at the village pond and walked along Puddledock Lane, over Coombe Valley to Bincombe Church to view the graves of the two Hussars mentioned in Hardy’s ‘Melancholy Hussar’ then back around the head of Spring Bottom to the trig point on East Hill and back down the White Horse.

There were appropriate readings from Hardy’s books and places of interest mentioned in his book ‘The Trumpet Major’ were pointed out. Many of the visitors commented on the beautiful scenery in the area.

THE next team walk will be on Saturday 21 August at Evershott at 11am.

This will be a five mile walk around Melbury Park, and you will need to take a picnic for lunch.

I would also suggest taking enough to drink, as it is very easy to become dehydrated in the hot weather. If you need further details give Joan a ring on 812818.