I nearly wet myself on reading that Weymouth & Portland Borough Council is to charge 20p to use what is a necessary facility.

Is this the latest attempt to drive away our visiting guests and families from this wonderful seaside resort?

So, with excessive car parking charges, high rates for businesses, a Tourist Information Centre moved to the Pavilion (and almost inaccessible to some), the council seems set upon balancing their books to the detriment of both locals and visitors.

I think they should now put a charge on sunbathing, charge everyone for using the beach, the pavements, and crab fishing or even sitting on the harbour wall.

That way we have got income from them whatever tourists do here. How about a toll gate at the bridge or into Hope Square?

We have all been told that the recession is our fault. Aren’t you sick of hearing that?

So instead of ‘lend us a penny, guv’ from our local vagrants, they will be asking for 20p.

A family of four who use the toilets twice daily will be charged £1.60. Give over! This surely cannot be right.

Let’s examine councillors expenses once again – am I still paying for their tea, coffee and biscuits? There are a few 20ps in that lot.

Tony Eames, Wyke Regis