A REPORT that claims tourism is booming in Weymouth has divided opinion in the industry.

The study, undertaken by Sheffield Hallam University, claims that the seaside tourism industry in the town generates £45million a year.

It also claims that tourism supports 3,400 local jobs and that amounts to 17 per cent of all jobs.

The researchers believe that the resort’s tourism industry was following the national, upward trend.

Some working within the tourism industry agree with the findings but others slammed the report as inaccurate.

Dave Price, the chairman of the Weymouth and Hotel Guest House and Leaseholders Association, said the majority of his members were down on inquiries and bookings compared to last year.

He said: “The report may say the industry is booming but there’s certainly no boom that we have seen.

“We were down on both bank holidays in May, and Easter wasn’t great either.

“Figures about the tourism industry are a bit like the weather forecasts.

“Maybe one day they will actually get it right.”

Mark Poulton, who performs the Punch and Judy Show on Wey-mouth beach, also disagreed with the figures.

He said: “Although we have had the weather, the beach has been quieter than it was last year.

“Most of us have opted to reserve judgement about summer holidays but it is a worry. I don’t think we’re going to break any records.”

However Roger Allen, Wey-mouth and Portland Borough councillor for culture, tourism and community facilities, said he thought the message behind the report was accurate.

He said: “I think the tourism industry in Weymouth is booming. You only have to stand on the seafront to watch the crowds on our fabulous beach which is set in an outstanding bay to see that.

“A measure of this is the success of the Ritz café which is on the ground floor of the Pavilion and is doing really well.

“I have also spoken to a number of beach traders and the fact of the matter is that more people are coming to Weymouth.”

Daren Deadman, who runs a number of beach kiosks, said he was up on sales compared to last year.

He said: “People are realising we have the best beach in the country – the word is getting around.”

Amrit Ahluwalia, owner of the Harbour House in Belle Vue Road, also felt that her guesthouse was doing well.

She said: “We’re definitely up on last year.”

Cactus Tearooms and Bistro owner Sandy Hawkins, situated on the seafront, added: “I would say it has been really good so far this year.”