GPs in Dorset are among the best in the country, according to a new report.

Out of 151 primary care trusts (PCTs) in England, NHS Dorset came top in three of the six categories.

The patient survey was conducted every three months for a year, from April, 2009.

Patient satisfaction was measured using factors such as how often patients were able to see their preferred GP, how easy it was to book ahead an appointment and patient’s satisfaction with the treatment received.

Dorset came joint first for the frequency which patients were able to see their preferred doctor, being able to book ahead for an appointment ahead and patient satisfaction.

Esmee Nicholls, a patient at Littlemoor Health Centre and Surgery on Louviers Road, said that the team there was fantastic.

She said: “They are so good. They always fit you in.

“They are marvellous and the doctors always give you time.”

Doctor Steve Bick, from Dorchester Road Surgery, Weymouth, said that his team was pleased with the findings of the report.

But he also said that the report highlighted why it was important to keep the PCTs and not abolish them under new government plans.

He said: “It’s really good. I’m really pleased. In Dorset and across the board there’s a high standard of care.

“We are constantly encouraging people to get to know their doctor as it’s important to build that rapport.

“We have good team work between the staff and nurses and GPs.”

Dorset also came joint fourth for patients finding it easy to get through on the phone and joint tenth for patient satisfaction with opening hours.

Chief executive of NHS Dorset, Paul Sly, said: “Once again, patients have shown how much they appreciate the service offered by their local GPs.

“This large survey looks at the areas that are really important to people and gives them an ideal opportunity to have their say.”

He added: “Reaching the number one spot in three of the categories and being in the top ten for all of them is a great achievement of which the GPs can be justifiably proud and on which we congratulate them.”

The Dorset LINK (Local Involvement Network) group works with patients and volunteers to improve health and social care services in the county.

Development officer Annie Dimmick said: “I think it is great news for patients that NHS Dorset has come first in three categories of the national survey.

“What we would like to see is a continued effort to make sure Dorset gets top results across all areas of GP healthcare.”