I REFER to recent articles about the state of the NHS I have recently spent six days post operative in hospital. It was in a clean, bright, well run ward and patients were given help quickly when needed.

The food was good and those who needed help with feeding received it.

I felt that sanity had returned and that this was how it should be in a good hospital.

This was Abbotsbury Ward at the Dorset County Hospital.

The staff were able to give me care and consideration and observation while it was needed and it was very interesting talking to the staff while they were helping me.

A lot of help was needed during the two days when I was acute post operative. I was immobile and had to be kept in one position because of skin grafts.

Pain relief was quite adequate and help always came quickly, but nights were wakeful because of my personal situation. I feel because of this experience that I can uphold Staff Nurse Sandra Miller’s recent comments.

On four nights there were ‘incidents’ where that extra pair of hands someone thinks is not needed was vital.

It is a post operative ward and there is always someone who needs that extra attention and observation, which makes the difference between life and death.

As someone whose interest has always been in young people I was very cheered to see and meet the student nurses who were learning the practical side of nursing. I feel devastated that all their hard work, and training may be lost.

I hope that someone in authority will listen to those who do the work.

Sadly, that’s very unlikely in this day of high-falutin’ management and outside contracts and the current flagrant waste of money and lack of forward thinking.

I am strictly non-political, non-racist and try to vote wisely for those who I think will do the best for me and my community. I shall be writing to Mrs Tong and Richard Drax MP giving my reasons.

To all the wonderful staff on Abbotsbury Ward who helped me through the week I give my heartfelt thanks. The care given helped to go home.

DOREEN SYMONDS Moorcombe Drive Preston