FAMILIES packed Antelope Walk to bursting point in Dorchester town centre for a charity fun day.

They soaked up the sounds of music, made donations, watched demonstrations and enjoyed entertainment in the busy arcade between South Street and Trinity Street.

Shopkeepers joined forces to stage the first event of its kind in the Walk in aid of Weldmar Hospicecare Trust.

David Taylor, chairman of the Antelope Walk Event Team, said: “It was a fantastic day.

“The mayor came along to open it and we had hundreds of people coming through.

“Many were saying how great it was and wanted to see it again so we will be holding another one in the spring.”

“People were also being really generous with their donations for Weldmar inside the shops.

“It was a brilliant day for the people of Dorchester who came along and for all involved.”

The traders joined forces with Weldmar fundraisers and volunteers to stage the event.

All the shops in the arcade joined in.

Many held demonstrations and displays but also had discounts, special offers and competitions.

Mayor Les Phillips performed the honours to open the day. Organisations and shops also provided free bunting and support to keep the costs down to raise more for Weldmar.

Backers included Dorchester Town Council, the BID and chamber of commerce.

Musicians played throughout the day and shops had collection containers inside their shops for Weldmar.

Mr Taylor said: “Thanks to the public of Dorchester for supporting the event as well as all those involved in organising it, especially the Dorset Echo for all of its support.”

He added that the Owen and Simpson cook shop raised at least £500 from donations and a raffle.

Other events in the shops included food and drink tastings, massages, raffles, discounts, a treasure hunt, face painting, product sampling, in store promotions, give-aways and goodie bags.

n james.tourgout@dorsetecho.co.uk