FASHION chain bosses have welcomed the ‘positive’ reaction to plans to redevelop their site – despite just 125 replies to a consultation exercise.

New Look sent out 18,000 letters to residents and businesses about its proposals for its Mercery Road location in Weymouth.

It received 125 responses which included those from public roadshows.

A further 112 responses came from New Look employees, half of which live in the DT3 and DT4 area.

The company said that 82 per cent of people were in favour of developing the site.

Alastair Miller, a spokesman for New Look, said: “The public feedback has been extremely positive.

“We are committed to ensuring we take on board local comments to ensure we get the proposals exactly right before they are submitted to Weymouth and Portland Borough Council.”

New Look said the staff responses will be evaluated separately from public ones so that the data would not be biased.

The public consultation included two roadshows to showcase New Look’s vision for the new Weymouth Gateway. Ideas included a new hotel, restaurant, supermarket and head office for the retail giant. Phase one of the plans would see the new hotel, head office and restaurant ready for the 2012 Olympic Games. Overall 82 per cent of people thought the plans to build a new development at Mercery Road were good or very good.

Some 89 per cent said they thought the design for the new New Look head office was good or very good.

Plans for a new supermarket were less well received with 62 per cent saying they were in favour but 25 per cent saying they were against the proposals.

A further 75 per cent of people were in favour of a new hotel and family restaurant, with only 13 per cent objecting to the plans.

Weymouth and Portland Borough Council briefholder for corporate affairs and continuous improvement, Geoff Petherick welcomed the plans.

He said the proposals would allow the area to develop office space and jobs.

New Look is expected to lodge plans with Weymouth and Portland Borough Council in the autumn.