REGARDING the recent Seafront Lighting Exhibition are the people of Weymouth aware that the seafront is soon to lose all of its fairy lights – and the Victorian lampposts that support them?

Under the new ‘artistic lighting scheme’ theses are to be replaced by seven ‘shard style’ columns along the promenade from the St John’s Church end to the pier.

These columns (as tall as the seafront hotels) have a top portion, which houses a vertical array of low power laser lights arranged to project horizontally – a vertical flat beam or ‘veil’ of blue/green light, out to sea.

This ‘veil of light’, a metre or so wide would be visible, depending on the particles in the air (mist).

They would operate, when dark enough, for a 10 minute period in each hour and incorporate some switching off of individual lights to add interest.

My initial comment on the form supplied was: “Not very cheerful for an evening stroll along the prom in the summer.”

The point about fairy lights is that they are brightly coloured points of light against a black sky – the same as fireworks. You look up at them and they raise your spirits.

For Weymouth to continue as a family seaside resort you have to appeal to childhood memories – so that the next generation will bring their children, as they do.

An after dinner stroll in the gloom doesn’t seem to round off the day.

So come on, all you big society people – Weymouth is being sold short. As the song goes, ‘Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction’.

Make your views known.

DJ HIGGINS, Warmwell