THE CHURCH FETE and Fun Dog Show was blessed with a beautiful sunny afternoon which set the scene for a wonderful event.

The Dog Show was well attended with dogs of all shapes, sizes and pedigrees and they was a good queue waiting to register for entry in the 10 classes as owners tried to keep the dogs calm and cool in the heat.

A full report of events and the dog show will follow next week.

  • WELCOME HOME to John Surowiec from his cycle pilgrimage to Poland following his father’s route in World War II after D day through to Northern Germany and on to Poland via the Baltic Coast.

The trip out took him 56 days and he cycled 2,224 miles and found the whole experience very humbling with his main feeling on his return being of “possession disorientation”.

Having lived for over two months on his trip with few possessions and having spent the last week or so in a poor rural area of S.E. Poland he was amazed and embarrassed at the volume of material possessions we have back here, often without need of them.

He has raised over £1,000 for charity and thanks to everyone locally and further afield for the support and donations - well done John, congratulations!

  • THE SHORT MAT BOWLS Club is now well into their annual knockout competition among its members with a presentation of the Ron Bartlett Cup later in the year for the overall winner.

They have a good membership and the meetings are a social occasion as well as enjoyment of playing short mat bowls and have two sessions every Thursday in the village hall 2.30-4.30pm and 8.00-9.30pm.

Anyone wishing to join or come along and have a trial run and watch the game, pop in or contact myself (as above) or the secretary on 871301 for further details.