WHAT a glorious day on Sunday for the Veterans parade, and the stall we had at the Mosaic, near Greenhill Gardens did very well.

Our thanks to everyone who helped and for those who supported us.

If anyone has any books or small prizes for the tombola please bring them into the Park Community Centre, Monday-Thursday 10am-noon, or Fridays 9.30am-11-30am.

The next stall is on Sunday, July 4, and we can always do with volunteers to help man the stall.

The Mosaic is looking good, it just needs a clean and a few little bits, not bad after three years.

The numbers at the centre have been falling, so the forum committee decided that we will discontinue the table tennis and the card making clubs on Thursdays until September.

THE new youth club has been very successful and an excellent programme of events are planned.

So if you have not been along yet do make an effort on Tuesday nights 6.30pm-7-45pm for age 10 to 13 years and 8pm-9.15pm for 14 years plus.

The club is holding a party on

Tuesday, July 27 for MEMBERS ONLY

before it breaks up for the summer and re-opens on Tuesday, September 7

THE ‘Can’t Sing… neither can we’ group on Monday afternoons are going from strength to strength and with their new name “ The Waterside Singers” they have been invited to sing on Sunday, July 4 at the Town Bridge 80th birthday celebrations.

There are rumours that there could be a special guest on the day.

Unfortunately the evening sessions have not been so successful so the last one will be on Monday, June 28, 7pm, and the committee are looking to restart them in September in a different format.

It appears that there is a need for a jolly good sing-a-long, so if any pub/club singer would like to come along and lead the evening please contact the Forum on 839579 and leave a message, we will get back to you.

I stress that the afternoon sessions at 2pm on Mondays WILL be continuing as a choir.

It is still not too late to join, please telephone for more details.

MORE details about what is happening about a new chairman and when the next Pact meeting is, will be announced shortly.

If you can help Pact or Home Watch please do so, do not wait to be asked, come forward now, please do not leave it to SOMEONE ELSE.

AT the present time lots of initiatives are taking part in the Park district to improve residents fitness and wellbeing.

Final details regarding the Dance Mats will be announced next week and the Forum is discussing with Age Concern about a keep fit class to start in September.