BUSINESSES in the Lynch Road area of Weymouth have told how they are losing trade over the traffic disruption.

This comes days after businesses in the town centre threatened to stop paying their business rates if the situation didn’t improve.

John Pearce, who owns Alf’s Fish and Chips on Lynch Road, said that if the road works continue to effect his business then he would also refuse to pay his rates.

He said: “Friday was the quietest lunch time we have ever had since we opened and the trade is not picking up.

“The traffic has been absolutely terrible and one customer travelling from Wyke Regis said that it was taking them an extra seven miles to get here because of the diversions.

“We haven’t had any councillors or anyone from the council coming round to offer us support or information.

“If the businesses in the town don’t pay their rates then we’ll join in.”

Val Temple owner of Sgt Bun, on Lanehouse Rocks Road, said that business was down around 40 per cent since the road works started and that she understood the businesses that are threatening not to pay their rates.

She said: “I am down around 50 customers a day when I would normally get around 150.

“If I was to lose that many customers a day for the coming months then it is going to be very hard.”

She added: “I cannot understand why they can’t do the work at night.”

Many business owners also pointed out that it appeared that the traffic lights at the end of Lynch Road joining with Chickerell Road have been adjusted, causing traffic flow to be even heavier.

Claire Matthews, 39, who works at High Tech Laundrette on Lanehouse Rocks Road, added: “The lights have definitely been changing quicker, only letting two cars through at a time, making the road even more congested.”