RESIDENTS of a road being used as a rat-run are fighting back against the traffic chaos.

They say they are prepared to barricade the road and withold their council tax unless the problem is dealt with.

The residents of Lynch Road in Weymouth are furious at drivers who are blatantly ignoring road signs put in place to ease traffic congestion.

The police have already been called by angry householders to deal with road-rage incidents.

Drivers have been turning right from Lanehouse Rocks Road into Lynch Road despite prominent signs stating ‘No Right Turn Access Only’.

The signs were put up by Dorset County Council in response to heavy traffic in the area caused by drivers using the route as a short cut to access Chickerell Road while the roadworks continue.

Neighbours have spoke of the traffic gridlock they are facing and say that if the situation doesn’t improve they will be forced to take drastic action.

Lynch Road resident Ann Webb, 57, is one of the residents who has informed the council that she would be taking matters into her own hands.

She said: “I have contacted the council and threatened to lay down in the road and stop paying my council tax.

“I’ve asked the council to come down to our road and speak to the residents but they have no interest.

“If nothing is resolved soon I think I will stop paying my council tax.”

She added: “I moved here from London for more peace, but it’s busier here than anywhere I have ever lived.”

Mark Benham, 54, of Lynch Road admitted that he would also contemplate taking such action.

He said: “If the situation doesn’t get better, I would consider withholding my council tax or blocking off the road. It’s ridiculous – sometimes I can’t even get off my drive.

“The council told us not to worry about the traffic because they would be putting these signs up, but drivers are ignoring them.”

Justin Cummings, 36, who claims he has been subject to abuse from other drivers when trying to get on to his driveway in Lynch Road, agreed with taking action.

He said: “A few of us have said that if it carries on like this we will have to park our cars across the exit at Alf’s Fish and Chips end to stop people using the road as a short cut. I totally agree with not paying council tax as well.”

Sacha Phillips, 19, also of Lynch Road described the traffic as ‘absolutely heaving’ at times.

One couple contacted the police yesterday after witnessing cars driving on the pavement to get past traffic and parked cars.

A spokesman for Dorset Police said: “We are closely liaising with our local authority partners on road traffic issues in the Weymouth area.

“We will be contacting them with regards to improving the signage at the location.”

A spokesman for Dorset County Council said they were too busy to comment. * Dorset County Council issued a notice to the residents of Lynch Road informing them of the implementation of the signs.

It said the right turn from Lanehouse Rocks Road into Lynch Road would be signed ‘access only’.

It said that ‘due to the lack of space at this junction, the large number of vehicles trying to turn right has caused serious backlogs of traffic’.

The notice added that motorists would be advised to travel along Chickerell Road, Chickerell Link Road and then Granby Way.