A CAMPAIGN to tackle domestic violence has been launched by Dorset Police as the World Cup kicks off.

Specially-trained officers in dedicated police domestic violence response cars will be on standby throughout the football tournament to respond to victims and collect evidence.

The message is: ‘Dangerous play will get you sent off, domestic violence will get you sent down. If you commit domestic violence, expect a long prison sentence – play by the rules.’ It is part of Operation Protect, which tackles violent crime across the county, set up by Dorset Police, supported by partners in community safety from Dorset Community Safety Partnership (CSP), Safer Poole Partnership and Bournemouth 2026 Partnership.

There will also be increased police patrols during World Cup games and on summer weekend evenings in town centres such as Bournemouth and Weymouth, to combat alcohol-related violence and provide a reassuring presence to the public.

The campaign has a sporting theme and is aimed at both potential offenders and victims.

Potential offenders will be warned that they could lose their jobs and their friends, as well as receiving a prison sentence, if they abuse their partners.

Victims of domestic violence will be encouraged to report incidents to the police, as the force has specially-trained officers available to support victims and investigate these crimes.

Posters will be displayed in sports clubs and leisure centres, as well as in bars and pubs across the county.

Detective Superintendent Sara Glen said: “We know that domestic violence increased during the last World Cup and it is hoped that by raising awareness of this we may be able to prevent history repeating itself.”

Detective Superintendent Glen warned would-be offenders: “This is often increased by excessive drinking.”