I MADE so many new friends when I joined the caring children who took part in a giant ring ’o roses to show their support for youngsters still suffering after the earthquake in Haiti.

The Hold Hands for Haiti fundraiser in Dorchester Borough Gardens was packed with youngsters and their parents who all paid at least £1 to take part to raise funds for the Save the Children earthquake appeal. I loved watching the Second Edition Majorettes from Portland perform and was delighted to meet Upsy Daisy and Igglepiggle from In The Night Garden TV programme.


WHAT is a polygon?

A missing parrot!

What has forty feet and sings?

A school choir!

Who can hold up a bus with just one hand?

A policeman!

What coat has no buttons?

A coat of paint!

WHO stole the soap?

The robber duck!

What starts with t, ends with t and is full of t?

A teapot!

Happy Birthday to Shakeira Winter, five on April 22, James Gould, three on April 23.